Learn and use R

Although learning a statistical software is very advantageous, it needs to be used along with an understanding of the fundamentals of statistics. You can always get an answer from running an analysis in some software but that doesn’t mean what you have done is suitable or correct. Therefore it’s strongly recommended that you consult a statistician to make sure the approach you are using is appropriate for answering your intended question of interest, for the data you have and for how the data was collected.

Email us if you would like advice concerning your data analysis.

Here are ways to start learning R:

  1. We can provide hands-on, interactive, in-person or on-line instruction using data and examples that are relevant to your research unit or group. Topics can include but are not limited to introductory R, graphics with ggplot, data manipulation with dplyr, statistical models and reproducible research. Contact us to inquire further.

  2. See the free resources at the UBC Library Research Commons listed here. For more personalized assistance, you can request to book a one-on-one consultation with a graduate student expert for help with the software you are learning. See https://researchcommons.library.ubc.ca/consultation-requests/.

  3. Enrol in the STAT 545 course or work through the relevant sections of its free online material you want to learn.